Mamma Mia, new boots, potty's and M&M's....

We had a great weekend just quiet and calm the way I like them !

Saturday Hayden and I went to the afternoon matinee of Mamma Mia playing at the Jubilee Auditorium.   Next to Phantom of the Opera it is by far one of my favorite shows.  This is the 3rd time I have been to see it and enjoyed it just as much as the first time.  Hayden really liked it as well but was embarrassed when his mom got up and started to dance (now in my defence most the audience had already gotten up so I wasn't that one crazy women dancing on my own but to a 7 year old it was still horrifying none the less).

I have started shopping at Superstore again for groceries and love to stroll the kids clothing section while I'm there.  Honestly, I have always said buyers are the heart of a store.  They can make or break a business by what they select to be sold in their stores.  Well hats off to the Superstore buyers because the kids stuff is very cute (& affordable) this coming season.  I would have taken picture of some of this stuff but forgot my phone.  I did pick up these adorable boots for Laila for $19 dollars...Aren't they so cute !!

This week we are exploring the world of potty training again with Laila.  She is giving us all the signals that she is ready but she is one tough cookie and is not going to make this easy on Mama.  So really what are two highly experienced parents going to do to try to solve this problem...well bribe her of course. (gasp).

I picked up a two boxes of the Halloween size packages of M&M's because you see next to MacDonald's fries which I can't give her every time she sits on the potty these are a favorite candy for her.  I know this very strong will is going to serve her well through life but god it is very hard to deal with as a 2.5 year old.  Wish us luck and hopefully in a few weeks I will only have one kiddie left in diapers.

The girls are suffering with head colds this week so sleep as been a bit sporadic for everyone but we are slowing getting better so that should hopefully improve the nights and naps soon !

Calgary is experiencing some lovely weather this week so we are hoping to get out and enjoy a little bit of it.

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