Random Picture Challenge #8

For the "Random Picture Challenge" over at 4 Little Men it's either the 1st (non-kiddie) picture from either your 1st folder or 2009 - February.

I chose the February-2009 folder and the first non-kiddie picture was one I took just after one our latest snow storms.  It was really harsh the night with strong winds and blowing snow before but we were blessed with a beautiful sunny day the next morning !!

We got the same storm last night ...when is spring going to arrive !!


Mrs. M said...

Brrrr. Lots of snow!! Love how it makes everything so bright!

Kelli W said...

That is a beautiful picture!! The sun looks really bright!!

Jenny said...

That's a neat picture.

Amy - AKA - TigerMommie said...

Thanks for stopping by!........And my son loves this puzzle because of the trucks! Exactly why I got it!

It's funny how so many people ended up with snowy pics this week...the week without the kids in the shots. We had a big snowstorm a week ago.....and I'm so ready for spring........

Megan said...

Great picture, but I agree. I'm SO OVER snow! Ours is all melted from last night though, so I'm happy about that. lol

Thanks for visiting! =D

Night Owl Mama said...

great pic...luv that sun shinning with all that snow.

Clair said...

That is so not fair. I want snow like that! We are lucky to get 1/2 inch! And then it melts before lunch. Snow makes everything so pretty