My hubby...

Is the best !  I'm having a bit of a down day for a few different reasons and he was so kind to take the kids out today to let me have a little alone time.  He works many hours to provide for his family and he is a truly great husband and father.  The kids love to have "just daddy" days so today was a treat for them.  

They left at 9:00 this morning for swimming lessons (that I guess had been cancelled due to the long weekend...Oops !), then headed to MacDonalds for breakfast.  It was off to the Farmer's Market and a beautiful little outdoor park downtown for some more playing.  They finally arrived back home around 6 this evening and I have to say I two very tired kiddies.  Poor little Laila almost fell asleep in the tub and barely touched her evening milk before crashing in her bed.  

To my delight my beloved picked me up some beautiful Gerber Daisy's, a few Crave Cupcakes and the best popcorn (that you can only get at the Farmer's Market).  But honestly, he gave me the best give by letting me have the day to  just recharge.

I'm truly the luckiest girl in the world to have such a caring and loving husband !!

Thank you Faruq - I love you more everyday !


Sonia said...

Awww...what a sweetie!! The "just because" gestures and surprises are the best. So much better than Hallmark Holiday gifts (although those are nice too!)! :)

Donna said...

That is sweet, you have a great hubby! If you need to go for a coffee break to talk let me know!