Hayden turns 7 !!

Hayden's official birthday was this past Saturday - July 3rd and we a super fun day at home with just the family.  Originally, we had planned to have a mini-sleepover with two of Hayden best friends but both are away at their family's summer places so we will try that in August when they return.

We started the morning with a yummy breakfast of pancakes and sausages with chocolate milk.

He then opened some presents from his sisters..DVD's, T-shirts, comic books and candy !  We gave him a few big LEGO sets a little later on in the day.

He and dad then went out for lunch to MacDonald's and enjoyed some guy time at the driving range.

Hayden got to pick what he wanted for supper and his selection was just a win/win for mama.  We got Olive Garden "To Go" and it was super yummy.

After supper we had some birthday cake.  He has been pretty easy on me this year with regards to cakes.  First he wanted a LEGO cake and then for his real birthday he said he wanted something to do with "Arts and Crafts".  I immediately thought of an Artist's Palette which really turned out to be pretty easy to do.

We ended the night by watching a few movies and just celebrating Hayden !  The next afternoon he and I went to see Toy Story 3 and had a great time out together.

~ Happy Birthday Hayden ~ 

I truly find it hard to believe you have been with us for 7 years.  You are an amazing young man and we are very, very proud of you.  Rock on little buddy !!

Love Mama, dad, Laila and Sophie !

1 comment:

Lindsay said...

Oh my word Michelle! That cake is awesome. You are my hero. Happy Birthday Hayden :)