Notes from the sick bed...

Okay I'm not in bed anymore and the drugs are helping with the sickness.

Friday afternoon I started to feel rather ill and honestly thought it was just a normal cold.  I  promptly handed the kids over to Faruq when he got home and hightailed it to bed for the evening.  I had a rough night but felt better Saturday morning (or so I thought).

Hayden had a birthday party at the zoo and I had made arrangements earlier in the week to meet a lady at Ikea with some Thomas Bedding I was selling on Kijiji.  In reality, I would have loved to just stay home but I went as we had made the arrangements.  After we dropped Hayden off I called the lady and got her answering machine so while I was leaving a message my phone started to beep.  I guess the chick decided she was going to go camping with her family.   WHAT !!!  Thanks for being an inconsiderate twit and not calling or even emailing me to say this.   One guess who didn't get a great deal on Thomas the Train bedding for her kid ?

So we ended up at IKEA anyway and had lunch.  When we were done it was time to collect Hayden from his party.  After snatching him we came home and I pretty much hung out in bed for the rest of the weekend.  It seem to go in a vicious cycle of terrible sweats to being freezing cold then the headache would come and go.  The only constant was the feeling of 100 knives stabbing when I swallowed.

It was a bummer because of it being a double celebration weekend for us with our anniversary and Father's Day.  But it was decided that we would move all parties until this coming weekend.

I was still feeling shitty on Monday morning so booked an appointment with my GP for first thing.  He confirmed what I suspected "Streph Throat".   I got a prescription for antibiotics and almost instantly started to feel better.

I have chatted about this before but it extremely tough to be sick when you have little children and no other family to help.  Our friends of course offered their help but  I refused for fear that if it was Streph and my kids had been exposed then the potential was there to pass it on to them.  But family is a little different especially if it's grandparents.  It's times like this that I feel defeated and helpless but somehow we always manage to get by.

I would have loved for nothing more if Faruq could have stayed home on Monday but work commitments would not allow it so the girls and I just had to cope.  His schedule is usually flexible and he has a very understanding boss who had small kids of his own.

It's a busy week for my handsome boy as well.  He has written 3 final exams and has one left on Friday.  We have attended one birthday party with two more left.  He had a school trip to the zoo on Tuesday and to finish the school year off this coming Monday they have rented out an arcade style place called "Shakers".

I'm finding it tough to believe we have finished another school year and summer break is upon us.  But I'm welcoming the lack of routine for the next few months.  It has been a very busy  6 months since Sophie has joined our family so no schedules for awhile will be a great thing.

It was a rough weekend but we survived like we always do. :}

Back later in the week !!

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