Well it seems to be a habit now...we don't get dressed on Sunday's. Again today we all got up late, had a great breakfast then proceed to just all laze around doing things that interested each of us...I worked on a digital layout, Faruq and Hayden watched a few movies then played trains for a while.
After our busy week we really enjoy just having a quiet family day every weekend.
Hayden finished his latest round of gymnastics yesterday and will start back again on April 17th so not much of a break between sessions.
The weather has been hit and miss for the last week...sometimes nice and others just like winter has returned. It's cold and -1 today but should return to about 7 tomorrow.
Faruq and I went to our local Mac store on Friday to have a look at the iMac computers...they are very sweet !! I had a hard time getting him to leave without buying one. Maybe that will be our christmas present to each other this year...it will be great for my photography and graphics work.
Here's my latest layout. I'm just working on some older pictures that were favorites but never got scrapbooked.

Have a great week !!! Chow for now.....
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