It has been a wonderful three weeks for Hayden and I on the coast but we both miss daddy soooo much !!
Faruq and I have decided to take a week on our own. Kind of a second honeymoon before our new bean arrives as it maybe a very long time before we get the chance again. Hayden will stay here with Grammie and Grampie for the week then Faruq will fly out to collect him at the end of August.
We plan on watching lots of movies, eating out every night at our favorite restaurants and just enjoying some quiet time together...we might actually be able to start and finish a whole conversation in one sitting.
The weather hasn't been good or bad on the coast the last few days...the skies threaten rain everyday but we don't ever seem to get it. It's actually nice as it was uncomfortably warm for me the lat three weeks.
I have managed to finish all 4 books that I brought on vacation so have asked Faruq to make a pit stop at Chapters before he comes out on Tuesday. I need something for the drive home as Faruq isn't much of a talker.
I have started lots of Digital layouts while I have been here but not really finished any of them. I did manage to design our baby announcement so now all we need is the picture and vital stats when the bean arrives.
Heading out this afternoon to a few of the local artists on the coast...there is amazing talent here and I always manage to find some wonderful treasures.
Chow for now !!!
4 days until Faruq arrives...
Time flies...
When you are in paradise....It is hard to believe that we have already been on the Sunshine coast for two weeks.
Hayden is so happy here...he has the run of wonderful backyard, beach and playground just up the road. This is still the kind of place that people don't really worry about there kids when they are playing outside. Kids can be kids !!
Every time we visit it really makes me rethink our decision for iving in a big city. I finally have Faruq convinced that we should relocate here in a few years if not sooner.
The Sunshine Coast is about an hour from Vancouver but is only accessible by ferry which suits the locals just fine. They have so many quaint shops with lovely local crafts but also have Starbucks and a Tim's so you can still get a fix if you need it.
The population is getting younger with lots of young families trading in the hustle and bustle of city living for the slower quality of life that the coast can offer.
We are just waiting for Faruq to get here next week to join us for a family time-out before heading back home at the end of August.
Chow for now !!
Lordy, lordy..
Gosh two months have gone by since my last blog entry...It's been a busy few months for us.
Hayden turned 4 and had a wonderful party with his friends at the Science Centre. Our good friends from Edmonton came down and it was great to visit with them.

School finished and I think we are all glad for the break. Come September our little preschooler is going 5 afternoons so that will be a big change in his little life. I'm sure he will enjoy it as all his friends are also going 5 afternoons.
Faruq has been busy, busy, busy at work and will be glad for the break in a week. He is planning on taking 3 weeks off so we can take a family vacation through BC and Alberta. I know Hayden will enjoy the time with him as much as I will.
I finally finished my latest photography course at Sait. While it was very informative I was tired of the classes and really needed the break. I had hoped to take one more course before our new little bean arrives in November but unfortunately they changed the dates of the course and my due date falls right in the middle. So I will wait until the spring to resume my studies.
I'm now 23 weeks ago with what will likely be my last pregnancy. While I have had really no morning sickness I have been having a lot of lower back and groin pain as the baby is breach. The little one seems to like to do a lot of tap dancing which has caused a bit of discomfort for mommy.

12 week scan

18 week scan
Faruq and I celebrated our 14th Wedding anniversary on June 19th...It hasn't always been easy but we are stronger and happier today then we ever have been. I'm looking forward to the next 14 years...I love you Faruq !!
He really out did himself this year with a beautiful bouquet of roses, a lovely cake from Cakeworks and a super cool new lens for my camera.

Early in July (actually on Hayden's 4th birthday) one of my most favorite aunt's passed away. It was very sudden which sometimes is good but can be more painful for the family. I remember growing up in Nova Scotia and spending many summers at my Aunt Inie's house. She always made time to take us to the beach or to the local corner store for ice cream. I loved her very much and will miss her dearly.
We are currently on vacation in Gibsons, BC and having a fabulous time. Hayden and I head to the beach almost everyday. It has been so wonderful having grammie and grampie around to help with Hayden. I know it will be hard to return to Calgary at the end of August.