Well the big old guy has delivered yet again...we had an awesome Christmas morning. It's was just the 3 of us which was so nice. We would have loved for my mom and dad to be with us but it just didn't happen this year.
Hayden didn't get up until almost 10 and boy was he excited when he realized that Santa had in fact been at our place. For the passed few weeks he had been quite concerned with the fact that our fireplace had a glass window on it and he wasn't sure how Santa would actually get into our place.
He loved his kitchen and Leap Frog Leapster as well as all the other lovely things he received.
Faruq got a GPS from Santa (I(oops I mean Santa) figured it would be a gift that we both could use). He also got a few gift cards, clothes and books.
Santa was very good to me this year and left a lovely new Canon Rebel XTI. Now I can't wait to start my photography course in January.
We had supper around 5 then just spent the night playing with our new respective toys. It was just a nice day all around and couldn't have thought of better way to spend it.
We are now enjoying a week of total relaxation before we face the new year. We have made very few plans and will just spent it together as a family. I think the only thing we are doing for sure is Zoolights at the Calgary Zoo one night.
I hope everyone had a great Christmas and you have an even better New Year's.
Santa has done it once again...
Our Christmas Tree (kind like Charlie Brown's)
We finally got our tree finished ...we had put the actual tree up about two weeks ago but never quite got around to decorating it. I had actually wanted a real tree this year but in end just decided to put our artificial one back up. Maybe next year we will venture out for the real thing.
Hayden is at least satisfied that Santa now has a place to put all of his gifts - he was a little concerned that he wouldn't leave anything if it wasn't done.
School Picture {huge sigh}
We finally got Hayden's school pictures just in time to go in our Christmas cards to family and friends. I still find it hard to believe that that he is even old enough to have a class picture.
We will get his class picture in the New Year and will post it then.
Our Christmas Creations...
Last Sunday night we spend the evening making a Gingerbread House and a Gingerbread Train. We had lots of fun but I think Hayden enjoyed eating the candy more then decorating the train.
The train was created by daddy and Hayden. While mommy did the the house.
Hayden's Christmas Concert
We went to Hayden's little Christmas party today at school. It was so cute they all came out and were to sing a few christmas carols but would our little man even open his mouth....No Way !!! He did manage to jingle the little bell he was given but no singing...at least for this year.
Slow and not so steady...
Is our landscapers motto...honestly I can't really blame them. The weather has been crappy in Calgary for November and December so the work time has been greatly limited.
But every time we get a break in the cold temperatures these guys show up and do a little more. We won't get any grass or shrubs/trees until spring but that's okay just as long as everything else is done in preparations for those in early spring.
Here is a few pictures of the latest work....
Hayden's visit to Santa
Off we went to our local mall and to my surprise when we arrived there wasn't a line up waiting to see him...which kind of scared me because once Hayden spotted him he wasn't a 100% sure he wanted to go sit on his knee. I thought I could use the time in line to prime him a bit.
Anyway up he went...lip quivering a bit but I was so proud of him and he even managed to tell Santa he wanted a Kitchen set for Christmas and we got a great picture out of it as well.
Way to Go Hayden - I'm so proud of you.
Christmas has arrived early...
I'm a bad blogger...
Where has the month of November gone...geez I can't believe it's only a month until Christmas. Well sadly winter has returned to Calgary so our poor landscapers have had to stop again...we now have a fence and the ground work is for our retaining wall but it will probably be at least another few weeks.
We have a busy weekend coming up ...the Calgary Moms group is have a children's Christmas party on Saturday and I'm hosting a Ornament and Recipe exchange party on Sunday. But it's great because it will get us in the mood for the holidays fast approaching.
A company is coming tomorrow to put up our Christmas lights and in this weather it is totally worth every penny !
I haven't done much scrapbooking this month but have been working on a few altered paint cans for the party on Sunday. I will post some pictures as soon as they are done.
I decided to not make my Christmas cards this year...I'm a little sad but I just seemed to have too much on the go so I bought some really cute ones from Costco.
We did our first professional photo shoot a month ago and just got the pictures back...Here are a few of my favorite ones.
Well I hope it won't be another month before I post again.
Chow for now !!!
Well it's been a Week
Since our landscapers have been here...Calgary has been hit with a week of cold weather which includes lots of snow. So we have had a bobcat and a big pile of dirt sitting in our front yard...:{sigh}
They are calling for better weather next week so we are still hoping they will get finished this year...but who knows anymore.
We celebrated Halloween last week and while the weather wasn't ideal I think the kids still had a good time. You see kids in Canada are typically used to cold weather when they Trick or Treat so they just added an extra layer underneath and off they went.
I finally finished a new layout. It's Hayden and his little friend Matthias on Halloween night...they looked so cute in their little costumes.
Layout #12
They have finally started...
Our landscapers arrived on Monday morning but it seems like all they have done is moved dirt around for 3 days...I know they have to level the ground for all the retaining walls and pavers we are putting it but it is like watching paint dry. {sigh} I just want it done now...although not sure we will be able to use it as they are forecasting snow and cold weather for the next few days.

Well not today...
Our landscapers were set to start our yards today.....and we woke up to this. Stupid Snow...I'm already starting to feel depression setting in...I hate winter.
So obviously there will be nothing happening today. I'm really beginning to think there is a higher being working against with regards to this project.
Funny every time our landscaper dude would even come to our place to look at the plans it would snow....is it a sign.
Not sure but I just want some grass, trees and a fence. It is suppose to be warmer by Wednesday so he is hoping to start then.
A Face only a mother could love...
Hayden and I were at Walmart the other day checking out the Halloween decorations and he started trying on some of the Halloween masks...he such a goofy kid and makes me laugh all the time.
Happy Birthday Daddy !!!
We celebrated Faruq's 42nd birthday last night..we got a cake from Cakeworks (yummy) and got dad some really nice cologne. He ended up working late so we didn't get a chance to go for dinner but still had a good time when he got home.
Happy Birthday Faruq - We love you very much !!!!
The Big Day...
Hayden started preschool a few weeks ago and has totally fallen in love with it. He loves his teacher and is making some new little friends...he is adjusting far better then mommy. The only tear that was shed on the first was by me. It's taken a month but I have started to relax more each week and I'm actually enjoying my "ME" time.
Here is a layout just celebrating his first day of school...how cool !!!
(Layout #11)
Nothing new...just too busy !
I have been working on a few new layouts this week but haven't gotten anything done.
There are a few of us getting together this weekend so I hope to get something accomplished then.
I thought I would have so much free time with Hayden in school three afternoons a week but always manage to find something to do other then scrapbooking.
Faruq has been working some crazy hours finishing up his old job requirements as he is starting a new position in a few weeks...Yeah !!! Means he will be home at a regular hour most nights and therefore can take back the bedtime routine with the "Dude". I think they both miss that time together at the end of everyday.
Hayden and I went to Cardel for a little fun time in the pool as he has been there much since we got back from holidays. I was so proud of him today as he actually started swimming on his own...no assistance from mom. I knew he was really proud of himself as well...WTG Hayden !!!
Meeting with our landscapers this week to put the final seal on the plans...we can't afford all that we wanted to do but think we have come to a decent plan for this year. Just too bad it's almost October...we won't enjoy it too much until next spring !
Here's a few before pics...I will post some when they are done.
When Nature Calls
"How not to decorate a T-Shirt" 101
I had the bright idea of getting one of those T-shirts that you can put your handprints on.
Hayden seemed okay with the idea until we pulled out the paint. We did manage to get the handprints on the shirt but I think he ended up with far more paint on himself.
Grampie loved it so it was worthall the mess.
(Layout #8)
The "Dude" turns 3...
We celebrated Hayden's 3rd birthday on June 25th this year... he invited 5 friends and we rented a bouncy house.
I got Cakeworks to make this fab Thomas the train cake and we had lots of yummy food to eat.
He got some awesome presents...Lincoln Logs, a Lighting MacQueen Car, book, puzzles and so much more.
The weather was perfect and everyone enjoyed the day.
(Layout #6)
Just about done...
So this is what the bookcases looked like after we added the doors to the top and bottom. I was really impressed with the end result.
For the first time in a very long time I feel like this is a place that foster my creativity and not hinder it.
We added the corner desk with another smaller bookcase that was converted over with drawers to hold all the small stuff.
Hubby still needs to move my stereo and mount my TV on the wall but it so cozy...I can't wait to spend lots of evenings in here doing the things that I love.
My new scrapbook room...a work in progress !

So I developed my wishlist of everything I wanted but when I took it to Calfornia Closests for a quote it was way more then we wanted to spend. So I headed to IKEA and I was so glad I did.
We decided that the bookcases in my son's toy room just weren't working so we moved them into our office and added a desk, another bookcase and some doors/drawers to the bookcases.
What we got was a great space for just over a $1000...how cool is that. While it's not completely done it's still pretty comfy...I love it and can't wait to spend lots of hours creating wonderful projects.
Picture 1. shows the bookcases before we put the doors on them.
Thanks IKEA for making a great product !!!!

Dinky Cars
Visiting with Santa !!!
We were in Gibsons, BC for christmas 2004 back and daddy took Hayden to the mall. While there they thought it would be niceto get a picture with Santa. All was good until it was Hayden's turn to sit on Santa's knee....no way was that happening.
So daddy and Hayden got their picture taken with Santa...I loved it. He was the best Santa I ever seen !!!
(Layout #4)
Fall Leaves
I belong to a on-line moms group here in Calgary and we recently started a monthly scrapbook challenge.
The one for August'06 was layout that was all about children & nature. I was on vacation in BC so of course didn't have any paper supplies with me so decided to do something digtial. I was pretty impressed with the result...it's one of my favorite pictures of Hayden taken in Sept 2004.
Everything is so fresh and new to him...It's amazing to watch him discover things for the 1st time.
(Layout #3)
Finally some snow !!!
So this was our first winter in the lovely city of
Calgary but Hayden was really beginning to wonder
if we were every going to get snow !!!
Christmas came and went with no snow. But finally in late January the snow arrived.
Boy did we have one excited 2 yr old...he couldn't wait to get his brand new snowsuit on and go help dad shovel the driveway.
Needless to say after the first snow fall the novelty was gone and dad was left everytime afterward to shovel on his own. But it sure was cute to see him out there even if it was only once !!!
(Layout #2)
"Little Dude"
Taking the plunge...
It's been just about a month since starting this new and exciting hobby...while I'm not new to world of scrapbooking I'm very new to the digital side.
Digital has certainly been a more efficient way for me to scrapbook all the memories that my little guy creates on a daily basis. I have completed 12 layouts in just over a month far better then when I was doing it the "old fashion" way.
Now to just tackle Photoshop CS2...I love MS Digital Pro and find it hard to start over...it's really like learning to walk again. I guess I should just jump in and starting learning it...before I know it I will wonder what all this hesitation was for. Off to Chapters...I need a good "How To" book.
Digital Scrapbooking...Here I come !!!
Oh no, I have developed a new obsession in the world of scrapbooking. Digital ....baby !!!
There has been a lot of discussion on another on-line forum I belong to about Digital scrapbooking. I had the software already on my laptop so I thought I would give it a try.
I love it...Love it....Love it.
While I'm not ready to totally give up the glue and scissors I am willing to give it a try...so I thought why not start another blog to document my journey...so welcome to Simply-Scrappy.